Monday 15 March 2010

Day & Night

I've been taking an interest in some of the leaked information on Pixar's short Day & Night for a few months now.  There was speculation that some dinosaur concept art shown in the backgrounds of publicity shots was associated with this film however with this recently released image this seems a little unlikely.

Many film based blogs and sites have raised awareness of this new image and are lead to believe that perhaps this could be a drawn Pixar short rather than their traditional CG approach.  This is going to be the short shown alongside Toy Story 3 and I am equally excited to see both of them.  This now raises the question where does this dinosaur concept work come into play now?

Here's the brief synopsis of the film for anyone else with a love of Pixar Shorts-
"When Day, a sunny fellow, encounters Night, a stranger of distinctly darker moods, sparks fly! Day and Night are frightened and suspicious of each other at first, and quickly get off on the wrong foot. But as they discover each other's unique qualities--and come to realize that each of them offers a different window onto the same world--the friendship helps both to gain a new perspective."

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